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Feb 25Liked by George Noga

"Education creates wealth;" FALSE

Education teaches one how to learn and make available (marketable) skills to those who are the wealth creators.

Working with a true entrepreneur in 1990, we determined that real wealth is created only by manufacturing. All else follows from a dependence upon the monies/capital created by the IDEAS and visions of entrepreneurs and the resulting manufacturing processes bringing their vision to fruition. Back in the day, I reviewed several years of Forbes Magazine's wealthiest. Of those who were not inheritors of someone else's fortune, 80+% did not have any formal education past high school. Most of them were just too busy laboring to achieve their vision, and making money, to bother with "higher education". If they needed certain skills, they adapted or hired people who had accumulated those skills either through "hard-knocks" or schooling.

Your own example proves the point. The person who envisioned a different way to catch fish didn't come up with the IDEA because he/she was educated. The IDEA came from a desire to create a way to be more efficient in the catching of fish to better provide for him/herself and his/her family/clan. Wealth was created from the gathering of fibers (or whatever) and, after much trial and error, fashioning a device that trapped/harvested a number of fish at one time (as opposed to catching one at a time). Efficiency.

Once the process was "perfected", and word got out that there was "a better way", a demand for his/her nets was created, the barter system (popular at the time) took over, and he/she became "wealthy". A couple hours of gathering by the clan and a couple hours of connecting the materials might well have had a "market value" of a ewe (4 hours of labor for one ewe and maybe 12 hours for a ram sounds pretty good when one could create maybe 3 nets a day) and a few ewes and a ram can generate a flock (creating an ancillary "business" generating more bartered goods) .

Since families/clans were pretty mobile in those days, when the "market demand" for nets in one area was "saturated", some of the clan remained there as sheepherders and the "net manufacturers", having taught their skills to extended family, moved on (with a couple ewes and a ram) to other communities where they created more "wealth" by making different nets to accommodate the needs of the new communities they visited until the whole market was saturated. When the net-family/clan came across a group that had made a "cart" to transport animal furs (or whatever), a trade was made - nets for carts. Now the net makers could settle and remain in more hospitable climes where net materials and grazing areas were more abundant. Any person with a cart could transport nets to areas where fish were the dominant product and return with fish, and other goods created by other's IDEAS like bows and arrowheads, etc.

Many other "businesses" came about as services or embellishments arising from the manufacture of nets and each created some manner of "profit/wealth" ultimately derived from nets.

"Wealth" is created everywhere, but all derives from an entrepreneurial IDEA and vision coupled with a determination to make that vision of the future come to pass.

Education then comes from the teaching and learning of ways to assist the IDEA-people who manufacture and thereby create wealth.


The "Root" cause of poverty came originally when some "persons", for whatever reason, were not given "intelligence" by their creator, nor were they given the opportunity by their oppressors, to use whatever talents they derived from older generations. For whatever reason not all humans are created with an equal amount of "intelligence/reasoning power". Some humans became an underclass while others became dominant intellectually and it has remained so till today.

In the case of the US, much poverty was created when people who did not speak the language and many who for whatever reason had a limited power of deduction were introduced into society. They existed by becoming common laborers (slaves), dependent upon their "masters", as were their offspring who, with some notable exceptions, were given little or no opportunity for intellectual advancement.

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed those persons. So the country was faced with what to do with a group of people who had language issues and few marketable skills. Some, with the determination to succeed sought out ways to educate their masses to give them marketable skills and even today we honor those people and revere their fortitude.

Fast forward to the Johnson Administration. In the South, politicians were still smarting from the loss of their "free" labor and Court decisions requiring the teaching of basic english and the 3 Rs in integrated schools. There were tens of thousands still with no marketable skills in communities mostly east of the Mississippi. So, Johnson's Administration generated "The Great Society" whereby great warehouses were built for these persons in major urban areas. These warehouses, like the 9th Ward in N. Orleans and Cabrini Greens in Chicago were financed with Tax Incentives for the wealthy (IRS Section 8) and concentrated this group where they could be better "controlled" by local authorities. (Note that many in the lower 9th Ward during Katrina were reluctant to leave by riding the waiting trains and busses to safety. Many of them walked to the Silverdome where they, when asked why they didn't leave, said they were there waiting for the Government to come and take care of them as it had all their lives.)

Fast forward to today. The Biden Administration has opened the floodgates at our southern border and millions of persons of unknown origin, background or talents are pouring into this country with no place to go and nothing to do to support themselves and/or their families. Sanctuary Cities have become Biden's human warehouses.

Do we know exactly who these people are and wherefrom they came?

Do they have marketable skills?

Do they have any financial means of support?

Do they speak and understand the English language?

Have they learned any of the 3 Rs?

All the answers are WE DON'T KNOW!! and WE DON'T CARE, as long as they manage to find someplace to squeeze into our economy and maybe, possibly, hopefully, eventually become self-sufficient and able to vote.

In the meantime, cities and states will be driven into bankruptcy because the costs to their citizens are onerous and "wealth creators" are fleeing with their capital to places where their IDEAS can be nurtured and their visions brought to fruition without being smothered by expensive regulations placed on them by ever-growing bureaucracies needed to control these masses of immigrants.

Biden's Greater Society! The newest "ROOT CAUSE" of Poverty.

My 2 Cents

Jim O'Donnell

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